2023 Youth Running Club
- Geared for all boys and girls 3rd through 6th grade
- More Details Below
- Primary Contact: Coach Steve Kell – skell@lakecenterchristian.org
Spring 2023
The Boys and Girls of the High School Track and Field Team invite you to come to a track and field day on Thursday April 27th, May 4th, 11th and 18th. The kids will run, jump, throw and play games all related to the skills kids can build and explore while participating in track and field here at LCCS.
Our athletes from every event of the team are looking forward to hosting the kids and showing them why each of the High School students enjoy competing and practicing together.
RSVP Here: Help us with dismissal by letting us know your child is coming
- When –Thursday from 3-4pm
April 27th- May 4th
- May 11th
- May 18th
- Where
- The Senior High Students will come to the Cafenasium, and escort the kids to the Cafenasium lockers. THIS IS A CHANGE AS OF 5/4/23
- Dismiss at 4 and pick up at the ticket booth.
- What
- Participate in all the track events
- Cooperative, challenging, fun
- Games to use your skills
There is no fee for participating in the Youth Running Program
We want to introduce kids to the sport in a way that excites them to run in Junior High and beyond